Tuesday, March 01, 2016

From Inside Two Workdays of the Week

Monday 1:43 PM - Lacking time to write, yet I feel I should.  So much to do.  But writing is like breathing.  I am running from recommendation wring to teaching to guiding to meetings.  Staff meeting in fifteen.

Pausing to drink in the silence and solitude of this brief moment.

Thank you G-d for the gift of life, of love, of feeling, of thinking, of doing, and of being.  As I inhale and exhale I contemplate all I have to be grateful for in my life.

Tuesday 1:38 PM - Just called a teacher of mine from graduate school. It was over twenty years ago.  I spoke too long on the answer machine.  I wanted to tell her directly.  I couldn't not say, even into a recording device that she was the best facilitator of discussions of any teacher I ever had and that I remember her so fondly.


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